Quality Work Through Dedication

We work with home owners before the fire
so their home survives the next inevitable wildfire.

John Pickett

Professional Forester, John Pickett, RPF No.2967 spent the last 10 years as the Wildland Fire Program Manager for Tahoe Douglas Fire. Subsequently, he has over 15 years of experience designing, developing, funding, and managing community-based wildfire prevention programs and health improvement projects. Now, he works with stakeholder groups to develop and implement defensible space projects to protect communities in the Wildland Urban Interface. This partnership is based on mutual love of the Sierra Nevada forestry and community sustainability. Above all, John’s goal is to take the programs and processes that worked in Lake Tahoe to the millions of acres that need to be sustainably managed over the long-term. Please take a look at his career highlights:

Wildland fire disasters all have common origins. On a day with high wind and low humidity, a wildland fire grows with great speed and intensity. What happens next is determined by the quality of the forest and brush clearing around the community and the defensible space around homes. 

Live Oak Wildfire offers a unique blend of services to community members throughout California and Nevada, including: homeowners, insurers, and real estate agents. For over 15 years, we have been helping people protect their homes against the next inevitable wildfire. 

Call for a consultation and learn what you can do to make your home and community safe from the dangers posed by wildland fires. Defensible space does not have to be complicated or expensive to maintain. we will come to your home and create a defensible space plan that is both effective and beautiful. Furthermore, defensible space does not have to look barren or manicured. The right selection of plants can leave your home both safe and beautiful. Additional services we offer includes tree removal, fire insurance consulting, and defensible space consulting

Live Oak Wildfire is a leading defensible space and wildfire risk reduction consulting company, dedicated to providing you with all the services you need to stay wildfire safe. 

Contact Us Today!