Published: March 2, 2020
What are forest fuels, what is forest mastication, and why is forest mastication important?
In order to reduce the risk of rapid wildfire spread across land, we must also reduce the size of forest vegetation, open the forest floor, and minimize or remove forest fuels. Forest fuel is one of the primary reasons why forest fires result in catastrophic burning of land and nearby homes. Any combustible biomass in the forest is forest fuel. There are three main types of forest fuels: fine fuels, crown fuels, and ladder fuels. Fine fuels are typically needles, dry grasses, and twigs. Of course, larger branches and logs on the forest floor can also serve as fuels. Crown fuels are typically found in tree canopies and ladder fuels are arranged vertically.
Removing and reducing the amount of forest fuels typically involves a combination of fuel treatments, but the most common and least disturbing to the natural soil is called forest mastication. In some cases, mastication can also be referred to as mulching and is also a form of vegetation management. Removing forest fuels by mastication is important because it reduces the threat of catastrophic wildfire and if wildfire were to occur, prior mastication will greatly reduce the damage and severity of the fire, thus protecting property and homes in nearby areas.
How is forest mastication done, and what machinery is needed?
The main steps of achieving defensible space are pine needle ranking, altering brush placement, reducing ladder fuel (or vertical fuels), and maintaining vertical and horizontal spacing.
However, forest mastication is much more robust and must be done using special mechanical tools called mulchers, masticators with reticulating arms, or brushcutters, although there are many machine forms that can be used for the purpose of fuel reduction. Some may look like extremely robust lawnmowers, while others resemble dozers or tractors. Mastication can be done by shredding, grinding, or chopping material into smaller pieces. The main purpose of mechanical mastication is to reduce vertical fuels and can be used an alternative to prescribed fire and piling, or can also be done before prescribed burning. In addition to shredding or chipping, machinery can be used for removal of crowded trees and shrubs. It is important to consider the physical limitations of this equipment, though. These include tree size, slope limitations, and rocky ground conditions, but most mulching machines may be able to overcome these limitations.
What are the benefits of forest mastication?
The main benefits of forest mastication include improvement of forest health, wildfire reduction, and improving the wildlife habitats in these environments. By removing shrubs or trees that are overcrowding the forest, the remaining trees will no longer need to compete for soil and nutrients, and shrubs near the ground will have more direct access to sunlight. If using a mastication method, its advantage over other land clearing methods is that soil can be left almost intact, and will not uproot roots or pose a threat to natural soil in the area.
Forest mastication also aids in the creation of communities that are better equipped to fight and be protected from forest wildfires. By minimizing the amount of combustible biomasses, mastication greatly reduces the chances that wildfires will result in catastrophic or life-threatening events. Fuel treatments such as mastication will also promote the growth of fire-resistant tree species, which in turn also protects the wildlife that resides along the forest floor and in the trees.
When is forest mastication necessary?
Forest mastication is best recommended in forest areas that are overcrowded, have no clear land space, and where tree density is considered unsafe. If biomass is created by natural causes and there is more than 100 acres or stems that need to be removed, forest mastication is recommended. In addition, forest mastication is also recommended where there is an overcrowding of the vegetation at the ground level and if the remaining standing trees are not fire resistant. In most cases, tree removal may be the simplest way to protect the forest and nearby homes. By creating fuel breaks, or forest land clear of fuels, surrounding residential homes will be able to attain a safer defensible space.
Where can I find a forest masticator professional?
Live Oak Wildfire is a wildfire safety consulting company. We specialize in creating effective defensible space for homeowners to reduce the risk of wildfires causing devastating losses. One of the processes we employ to make a space more wildfire safe is forest mastication. Our experts at Live Oak Wildfire can help you with any forest mastication or defensible space needs. Contact us today for a free estimate.

John Pickett
Wildfire Protection Specialist
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